ACE unterstützt ukrainischen Architektenverband
Angesichts der Ukraine-Krise erklärt der Architects‘ Council of Europe seine Unterstützung der ukrainischen Architektenschaft:
„On behalf of the Architects' Council of Europe and the entire architectural European community, we would like to express to you our support for all Ukrainian architects in the face of the political situation in which Ukraine and its citizens find themselves.
The Architects' Council of Europe finds it unacceptable that one country grants itself the sovereign right to shape the borders of another sovereign country. For years we have been developing international cooperation with partners from Eastern Europe and we want to strengthen it. We share a common history and past experiences, as well as the same challenges of the present and the future.
We believe that support for each other among architects in Europe is fundamental, both for the development of our organisations in times of peace and in the event that one of us is affected by a crisis.
We declare our support to the National Union of Architects of Ukraine and its members in this difficult time.“
Ruth Schagemann, ACE President
Die AKH steht der Ukraine solidarisch zur Seite. Auf der Ukraine-Infoseite stellt de Kammer aktuelle Informationen über Hilfsangebote verschiedener Behörden und Institutionen für ukrainische Geflüchtete wie auch über Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten bereit.